Muhammad Khalji

During the past 1350 years, more than 40,000 saints have lived and died in Kayalpatna. For many saints only their names are known. For some there is historical information . Here the names and short history of some of these saints and scholars are written.

Muhammad Khalji : (Approximately 200 – 277 A.H / 815 – 890 A.D)

Muhammad Khalji’s tomb is at Kutba Periya Palli’s graveyard at about twenty feet distance from the Ambala street entrance. The exact date of his demise is unknown, but he built the celebrated Kutba- Periya Palli (Great Jamiya Mosque) on 843 A.D. with his companions. He was a Qutb of his time. He was respected by the Pandiyan King and the people. He was descended from the first Calipha Sayyidna Abubacker Siddiq (Rali). His lineage as follows – Muhammad Khalji – Shaikh Hilaru – Shaikh Muhammad- Shaikh Hussain – Shaikh Abdulla – Shaikh Zubair – Shaikh Omer – Shaikh Abbas Al-Madani- Shaikh Mueen- Shaikh Muhammad – Shaikh Atheeq – Shaikh Abdur Rahman – Hazrath Sayyidna Abubackar Siddiq (Rali). Even today large number of his descendants are living in Kayalpatnam. Festival (Kanthuri) was celebrated every year for Muhammad Khalji till the great Jamiah Mosque was re- built by sultan Jamaluddin and his son on 1300 – 1330 A.D. In short, Muhammad Khalji was a famous leader , a wellknown philanthropist and a great saint. His contribution for the growth of Kayalpatnam was significant and memorable.

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