Home வரலாறு காயல்பட்டணம் King Jamaluddin,King Abdul Gaffar,King Sayyid Ahamed,King Shaikh Ali(Ruler)

King Jamaluddin,King Abdul Gaffar,King Sayyid Ahamed,King Shaikh Ali(Ruler)

King Jamaluddin: (Death 957 A.H / 1551 A.D) 

                             Pandiya King appointed Jamaluddin as his deputy to look after the administration of Korkai and Kayal area. Parakrama Pandi reigned Pandiyan Kingdom from 1516 to 1540 A.D. Jamaluddin was the ruler of Korkai and Kayal till his death on 9th Wednesday, Jammathul Akir 957 A.H (1551 A.D). His tombstones contain inscription both in Arabic and Tamil. According to an Arabic inscription, his name was Jamaluddin and he was the ruler of this area. According to the Tamil inscription, his title was Jamal aanna Parakrama Pandi. Generally Pandya Kings had respect for Muslim leaders and appointed them as assistant rulers and judges for Tinnelveli area. Jamaluddin was a great administrator and looked after the interest of Muslims and Hindus. His genealogy was given on the tombstone. His father was Abdul Gaffar, grand father Shaikh Ali and grand grand father Jamaluddin. His tomb is at PeriyaPalli graveyard just behind the shrine of Lebbai Appa brothers.

King Abdul Gaffar: (Death 989 A.H / 1581 A.D)

                                 Moulana Abdul Gaffar was the ruler of Korkai and Kayal area till his death on 17th Rabiyul Awwal 989 A.H. He was an important leader and a well known administrator. He was very kind to poor and needy. His family pedigree as given on the tombstone as follows, Sayyid Ahmed, Sayyid Abdul Ameen, Sayyid Ahmed, Jamaluddin, Yusuf and Hasruddin. His titles were Uthya Maarthanda Kaziar, Abdul Gaffar Naina Aana Mudi Konda Shenbaga Rama Mudaliyar. Vikrama Pandi reigned Pandiya Kingdom from 1543 to 1564 and Ati – Vira Pandiyar ruled from 1565 – 1610 A.D. one of the above two Kings might have given the title to Moulana Abdul Gaffar. His tomb is also at Periya Palli graveyard just behind the shrine of Lebbai Appa.

King Sayyid Ahamed:

                            His tomb is next to the tomb of Jamaluddin and Abdul Gaffar in the graveyard of Periya Kutba Palli. He was also a ruler of Tinnelveli area till his death. His title name was Sayyid Ahmad Aanna Vira Pandiya Mudaliyar. As his tombstones were broken, we find difficult to collect more information.       

 King Shaikh Ali: (Ruler)

                              Shaikh Ali was a son of  Jamaluddin . He was also a ruler of Tinnelveli area. His tomb is at Kutba Sirupalli graveyard just west side of Pair Majutub Waliyullah’s shrine. As his tomb was fixed with compound wall, it is very difficult to collect more information from the inscription. It seems that three other rulers who were buried at the graveyard Kutbaperiya Palli were related to this ruler Shaikh Ali.

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