ஷெய்கு சதக் நெய்னார் வலி
Shaikh Sadak Nainar Waliyullah: (954 – 1028 A.H)(1547 – 1618 A.D)
Shaikh Sadak Waliyullah was born on 954 A.H He was a disciple of Hazarath Sayyid Abdul Qadir Shahul Hameed Waliyullah of Negore. He traveled throughout TamilNadu along with spiritual teacher Qutb Shahul Hameed. When Qadir Wali was in Kayalpatnam, people welcomed him and requested him to pray for the saints and scholar would continue to be born in Kayalpatnam. Saint Shahul Hameed prayed for that and God has accepted his Duwa and till today saints are continuing to be born here. As per the advice of Qadir Wali, Sadak Wali got married and attached to family life.After the death of his spiritual master in 978 A.H (1570 A.D) Sadak Wali stayed at Kayalpatnam . His son and grand sons rendered great service to muslims of Tamilnadu and Srilanka. Shaikh Sadak Wali died on 1028 A.H It was said that he was buried at Nagore. Sulaiman Wali, the father of five gems (Saints) was his son.
நமது ஊரில் குளங்கள் எங்கே?
நமது ஊரில் குளங்கள் எங்கே ? மாயமாய் மறைந்து விட்ட குளங்களால் இன்று ஊரே குளம் ஆகிவிட்டது நா…